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Participate in Kink Journals

We have conducted interviews with incredible people from all around the globe but we are still interested in talking to you if you would like to share your life with readers. Our interviews can be conducted over email, Skype, over the phone or in person if possible.


Don’t worry you can be completely anonymous if you choose and every contributor who gets selected for the book will receive a limited “contributors” edition as a big thank you. 

And much, much more...

Fetishes Covered in Kink Journals

We delve deep, really deep. And the results so far have been amazing.

Each interview is an individual journey that sheds light on how these kinks and fetish explorations impact someone’s life,

in and out of the bedroom.


So whether you’re living a fetish lifestyle yourself or simply intrigued about fetish and kink you will be inspired, intrigued and amazed. 

About the Interviews

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